Over the last few days, media has been abuzz with the news of Sun Pharma’s $4-billion acquisition of Ranbaxy.
Given the fact that it is the second largest acquisition in the Indian pharmaceutical sector till date, it is not surprising that everybody is fixated on the sheer size of the deal.
But if you look beyond the fancy valuation, this courageous move by Sun Pharma founder Diliip Shanghvi to buy out the beleaguered Ranbaxy from Daiichi Sankyo has some important lessons for everybody.
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It is a version of our famous cinnamon roll made for that environment – definitely not intended to be the same as our hand rolled classic Cinnabon Cinnamon rolls you get in our bakeries in malls. They are different – it takes a lot of labor and square footage to make the classic rolls we are famous for, but we do have versions of baked goods (like the MiniBon Roll at Burger King or the Delights at Taco Bell that are inspired by our famous products in our hand-rolling bakeries, but different as they are made for a fast-food environment).
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If you focus on how your brands are performing at the retail level and work with your distributor and import partners in your launch months, it will help you build your brand more effectively. The market feedback that you will gather will help you educate your own team and prepare you for your next distributor call when you can show them “why your brand works”.
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Traditional grocery stores were built for their parents’ (or grandparents’) generation, when almost all meals were prepared at home and people needed to buy a lot more ingredients. My mom used to love going to the grocery store and walking the store aisles. She went every day at 4pm. Part of that may have been that she had to have enough food to feed five kids, but part of it was that it was her hour to be out of the house and socialize. Nida was her favorite checkout woman and would ask how the soccer game went the night before or if my mom liked the recipe she gave her. Going to the grocery store was a fun part of the day.
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But teff is also similar to quinoa in another, more problematic respect, which has complicated the grain’s growth. Quinoa was once as unknown to the North American diet as teff is today. Positioning it as a miracle food—packed with protein but not gluten, full of nutrients but not calories—helped international sales soar. That has been a mixed blessing for the leading exporters of quinoa. In Bolivia, quinoa prices skyrocketed by 900% between 2000 and 2013, making it hard for Bolivians to enjoy the crop themselves.
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Environmental Working Group, the nonprofit that released the report, is trying to persuade food manufacturers to stop using azodicarbonamide, or ADA, which acts as a kind of baking powder in the making of rubber, plastics, and ceramics, making them lighter and more elastic. Food producers took to using the same chemical to soften the texture of baked goods.
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